
Use cases and blog posts specifically about Pixpro software usage.

Most Asked Photogrammetry Questions Part 2 - Pixpro Software

Most Asked Photogrammetry Questions Part 2 - Pixpro Software

We created Pixpro photogrammetry software to bring photogrammetry to everyone. Our priority was always accessibility and ease of use. We think we did a good job designing software that is easy to use, and it takes just a few hours to understand all of the main features.

Pixpro author avatar Pixpro Team
Mar 13, 2024
True Orthophoto - Orthorectified Imagery and Pixpro Workflow

True Orthophoto - Orthorectified Imagery and Pixpro Workflow

Orthorectified or true orthophoto concepts can still be misunderstood and confused with other types of aerial imagery, such as panoramas or orthomosaics. In this article, we revisit these concepts to explain why actual photogrammetry is necessary to create a true orthophoto.

Pixpro author avatar Pixpro Team
Feb 22, 2024
Pit Volume Measurement in Pixpro Photogrammetry

Pit Volume Measurement in Pixpro Photogrammetry

Volumetric measurements are a staple use case for photogrammetry. When it comes to negative volumes such as pits, basins, or valleys - things become even more straightforward than measuring piles of mounds of material.

Pixpro author avatar Pixpro Team
Feb 08, 2024
Multi Camera Photogrammetry in Pixpro

Multi Camera Photogrammetry in Pixpro

Using two or more cameras in a single scan provides better coverage, detail, and convenience. But it also poses a few challenges. In this blog post, we will go over the fundamentals of combining two or more different imagery sources to get a successful 3D reconstruction in one go.

Pixpro author avatar Pixpro Team
Feb 01, 2024
Comparing Surfaces in Pixpro Part 1 - Creating Custom GCPs
Monitoring and Inspection

Comparing Surfaces in Pixpro Part 1 - Creating Custom GCPs

Comparing surfaces from photogrammetric scans is a ubiquitous workflow in some industries. Our Pixpro photogrammetry software allows us to compare a few surfaces in a uniquely easily accessible manner.

Pixpro author avatar Pixpro Team
Jan 25, 2024
RAW Photo Processing for Photogrammetry

RAW Photo Processing for Photogrammetry

Input data is the most critical factor in photogrammetry, bar none. If we want to maximize the quality and flexibility of the photos we take for 3D reconstruction - we must do initial capture in raw format. In essence, the raw format provides all the valuable and redundant data captured by the imagi

Pixpro author avatar Pixpro Team
Dec 07, 2023
Pixpro to PowerPoint - 3D Data in Your Presentation

Pixpro to PowerPoint - 3D Data in Your Presentation

Sometimes, it is really about the presentation. Showing off your data in a well-made slideshow can make or break the deal. In this article, we will overview how you can show off data processed in Pixpro photogrammetry software in your presentation.

Pixpro author avatar Pixpro Team
Nov 16, 2023
Digital Elevation Map Editing Tools in Pixpro

Digital Elevation Map Editing Tools in Pixpro

Pixpro photogrammetry software provides various spatial data generation and has a few tools for data manipulation. This blog post will demonstrate a few digital elevation map manipulation tools that can help in many use cases.

Pixpro author avatar Pixpro Team
Nov 09, 2023
Camera Calibration With Pixpro - Your Unique Values

Camera Calibration With Pixpro - Your Unique Values

Camera calibration in photogrammetry is an essential part of the 3D reconstruction of a scene. Every camera sensor and lens combination has a set of parameters that describe the camera system - intrinsic values, often referred to as camera intrinsics.

Pixpro author avatar Pixpro Team
Oct 05, 2023

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